Implementing Subscriptions

Implementing Subscriptions

Implementation Guide

The implementation guide helps you to quickly get started integrating Nonprofit Vertical Subscriptions with your application. You can start using Nonprofit Vertical Subscriptions in three simple steps.

1) Add a plan
2) Integrate with Nonprofit Vertical Subscriptions
3) Go Live

Add a plan

Create a plan to specify how much and how often you want to charge a customer. Read more about plans here.

Integrate with Nonprofit Vertical Subscriptions

Nonprofit Vertical Subscriptions provides a hosted payment page to securely integrate with your application for collecting customer’s sensitive card information. Read more about hosted pages here.

You can integrate hosted page to your application by using our API.

Go Live

Merchant Account

A merchant account and a payment gateway are required to charge your customers. Application for a merchant account takes 1-2 weeks for approval depending upon your location. You can start your Nonprofit Vertical Subscriptions integration while you wait for approval.

Payment Gateway

Once your merchant account is approved or if you already have a merchant account, you need to choose a compatible payment gateway to integrate with Nonprofit Vertical Subscriptions.

The payment gateways currently supported by Nonprofit Vertical Subscriptions are Payflow Pro, Payments Pro, Authorize.Net and Stripe Connect.

Once your merchant account and payment gateway are set up, you are ready to start using Nonprofit Vertical Subscriptions for processing live transactions.

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