I get an overlap alert when I create a new call. What does this mean?
Nonprofit Vertical CRM lets you create as many calls/events as you would like to. But there is a default duration for an event and a call. For example, the default call duration is 15 minutes and the default event duration is 1 hour. If you create a ...
What Are Activities Used For
An important aspect in CRM is to keep track of all the tasks, meetings, calls, events, or activity records.You can neatly organize the numerous records along with the activities associated to them such as follow-up, pre sales and post sales ...
Using Nonprofit Vertical CRM View for Activities
For any role in the nonprofit sector, a typical day at work is loaded with tasks. It could be the field work to visit a donor, or the task to call up a prospect to discuss a campaign, or to follow-up with members after their visits to your website. ...
Logging Calls
How Can I... Log a Current Call Log a Completed Call Schedule a Call Associate Calls with CRM records The Log a Call functionality helps you to register the inbound calls (received from leads and customers) and outbound calls (dialed to leads and ...
Working with Tasks & Events
How Can I... Create Tasks Create Events Create Recurring Activities Set Reminders Add Invitees Activities play an important role in daily business operations. Activities can be either time bound calendar events, such as meetings, seminars, ...
How can I change the name format as "Last Name & First Name"?
By default, the name format is set as <Salutation> <First Name><Last Name> for leads, contacts and users. To change name format, do the following: Click Setup > Personal Settings > Name Format. In the Customize Name Format page, change the name ...
Is it possible to create recurring tasks?
Yes, you can create recurring tasks and events as well. To create recurring activities Click the New Task/Event link. Alternatively, click New Task/Event from records such as leads, accounts, contacts, potentials. In the Create Task/Event page, ...
How to delete recurring tasks?
Click on the Activities tab, go to Tasks and click Edit on any instance of that recurring task. Click on "More Actions" at the top of the Edit form, and Edit Repeat Series. Set the end date for the series to "Today".
Can I delete activities?
Yes. Activities can be deleted, provided you have delete permission. Use the Delete option available in the Activities home page.
What decides which records appear under Recent Activities?
The last 5 activities will appear under Recent Activities.
Can I set Due dates/ Reminders for my tasks/ Subtasks?
You can set Due dates and Reminders for your Tasks when you create them. You can also choose to update the details later, by editing the Tasks/ Subtasks. Refer here for more details.
How to set reminders for activities.
There are two options for reminders: Alert through Email Alert through Pop-up For tasks, you have the option to choose the type of reminder you want. For events, you cannot choose the reminder options. Both the reminders options are enabled, by ...