Using Nonprofit Vertical CRM View for Activities

Using Nonprofit Vertical CRM View for Activities

For any role in the nonprofit sector, a typical day at work is loaded with tasks. It could be the field work to visit a donor, or the task to call up a prospect to discuss a campaign, or to follow-up with members after their visits to your website.

The list of To-dos can either be on a notepad or on a data management system that is loaded with all the client's details. In all this, the challenge is in keeping the list of tasks organized and avoid missing out on any of them. A clear view of the type of tasks and the priority would give sales individuals a helping hand in managing time and concentrating on what is most important. That is where the CRM View for Activities is of great help.

The view is divided into four categories.

Constituents - Lists the tasks/events/calls associated to constituents.

Open Proposals - Lists the tasks/events/calls associated to the proposals in pipeline.

Leads/Contacts - Lists the tasks/events/calls associated to the Leads/Contacts.

Others - Lists the tasks/events/calls associated to the records other than won proposals, leads and contacts. This list includes activities that are created for the custom module's records too.


Permission Required: Access to the Activities Tab to view the tasks, events and calls.

 View Record Details from CRM View

From the CRM View you can have a quick glance at the tasks/events/calls and the related lead/contact/potential. It gives you a clear picture of all the necessary details that you need to know before you start the task/event/call and also to complete them.

To view the task details from the CRM view

  1. In the Activities tab, select the required list view from the drop-down.
  2. Click the CRM View icon.

    The tasks/events/calls will be listed in CRM view under the four categories. The records will be organized based on the time it was created, i.e the latest ones will be the first in the list.
  3. Click on a task/event/call to view details of the record and refer additional information such as notes, history of the record, attachments, upcoming actions, email conversations, etc.

Details in the CRM View

In Nonprofit Vertical CRM, you could create a task to send brochures to prospective members, or have a lunch meeting with a potential new donor. You could also organize an event for your board to introduce them to the newly launched program. These types of tasks/events/calls are usually associated to a lead, contact, account, proposal, campaign, vendor, invoice, etc.

As a development team member, if you get a task, you would want to know a lot more before you take it up. Information on the lead or contact the activity is for, upcoming activities, any email conversations relevant to the activity, and important notes may greatly help in completing the assigned work. For this reason, the CRM view expands further to give you a glimpse at these important details related to the activities.

Clicking on an activity gives you the following details:

Basic Details - Some of the basic fields' values will be available such as date and time, venue, and owner of the activity. You can always expand the records to find out more details.

Notes - Notes added to the task/event/call.

Attachments - Documents attached to the task/event/call.

Links - Custom links configured for the particular record.

Upcoming Actions - Any upcoming actions related to the activity.

CRM Right panel

Info - Basic Information of any contacts/deals associated with the activity, Summary, if any and Open Activities are displayed. 

Timeline - A history of all activities on the record are displayed. 

Conversations - Social Conversations, Email Conversations and Open Cases with the associated lead/contact are listed in this column. You can click on an email conversation to view the full email thread and also reply to the email from the same window.

Note :

  • The details in the CRM View for Activities cannot be customized, such as the four columns, the fields available for each entry, etc.

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